Humidity is a very important aspect of the face. Without the presence of water in the face, our skin will harden and when we smile, cracks will appear. It was just exaggerating, but you really have to keep moisture from the face. Skin cells have the ability to heal yourself and keep your look beautiful. That these cells need to stay healthy is a nutrient and moisture. Here is how to cope with naturally dry skin.
Causes Dry Skin
Dry skin can be caused by several things. You can have the skin that are dry. Spending time to linger in the sun and the dust will make the humidity decreases, the skin will produce oil to retain moisture, and you know that oil is the source of the problem. Linger in the room air conditioner will dry out your face you know.
How To Overcome Dry Skin
You can overcome the dryness in your skin by washing your face with water. How it is the most simple and effective means assured. Water is an essential element of the humidity of the face, so it is appropriate that you use water to restore moisture in your face. Skin does not absorb water, but the water can cool your skin so that your face does not create moisture from the oil that makes your face is dirty and sticky.
If there is time to spare, you can use aloe vera and honey to be used directly. Part aloe vera you need to use is the meat. Both have properties that make the skin smooth because of the inspiring natural moisture in your face. If you want a moisturizer over the maximum you can make a mask.
To create a natural moisturizing mask that you need is a few spoonfuls of honey, avocado meat and milk. Combine all three to form a thick paste. Fats from avocado and milk will react with your skin to make your skin moist and supple. Honey provides extra moisture. The masks can trigger natural moisture. You are advised not to use too much of this mask. Once a week is enough. Do not forget to always cleanse your face before and after using the mask.
However we must maintain the health of the skin to keep skin beautifully manicured, hopefully the tips dry skin the natural way to be useful. For those who want to read an article about a facial treatment including How to Eliminate Black Spots on the Face and How to Eliminate Acne